Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Why 40 adventures for turning 40?

Why 40 for 40?

After New Year’s of this year, I found myself feeling down and was wondering why I was feeling that way. I know a lot about depression and I know there’s not always a cause or trigger; but still I wondered. I have a great job, awesome family, great friends, lots of support. Everyone’s healthy, we’re very involved in the community, my wife is able to be at home with our boys and we had just bought a new house that we’re really excited about, so what was it? Then I realized, it was age…I’m turning 40 and I miss my youth. Everything is great in my life but with all of this came lots of responsibility – at work, home, the family and being involved in many things.  And so I think I also missed the irresponsibility & freedom that came along with youth and realized that’s not coming back!   

I always tell my family that attitude is the most important thing and the only real thing in life you can control. You can’t control what happens to you but you can control your attitude. I tell my sons in sports that attitude comes first and effort comes second.  And so I listened to my own advice and that’s where it came to me; rather than being depressed about turning 40 and the loss of my youth, I was going to embrace it, celebrate it.  So I decided that I’d take on 40 adventures throughout the year.  Now that’s a lot of adventures! And I have responsibilities – a job, house, family. I can’t just pick up and backpack around Europe or Southeast Asia.  So instead, the focus is to do 40 things that have meaning; in my current life, in my past, or with purpose in general. 

I have done some big things and will do some more but the majority will be little things.  I plan to embrace the little adventures of my everyday current life; reconnect with people and memories from my past; surprise some people; travel; and do some of things I’ve been talking about doing but have put off.  Having a goal to complete 40 adventures means I will need to be focused, planning and not procrastinate. 

So that’s what it is. You’re welcome to follow along on here, facebook, and Instagram. I’m very bad about keeping in touch with people over the phone or email and keeping up with this blog is the same for me. With this goal, I will try my best to keep up to date.  Hopefully you’re inspired to do something similar for you 40th, or 25th, 30th, 50th…etc.

Follow Along!  -  Instagram - #40forturning40

The Adventure Begins!

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Adventure #1 update - one word

The first of my 40 adventures is well underway and one word to sum it up is exhausting! ...exhilarating, amazing, beautiful, challenging, eye-opening... It can't be described in one word. Until about a year ago, I knew next to nothing about Guatemala and even where it's located. Guatemala is an amazingly beautiful country with vast diverse landscapes, people, and culture. Also, Guatemala is a very poor country where most kids don't go to school beyond 6th grade. The landscapes and the colors are amazing but at the same time, there is trash everywhere you look. This was a little shocking at first but where they lack in refuse management, they more than make up for in their warmth. While the country is poor, they are rich in culture, scenery, and personality. Everywhere I saw poor conditions and trash, I also saw beautiful people with big smiles. Siblings running around the dust covered streets hand in hand, smiling and laughing. Everywhere I walked I was met with smiles, "holas!" and laughter.

I'm less than a week into my 40 adventures and already I can say this experience has changed me and I've learned a ton already. I've learned about the history, culture, politics, social economics, education systems, government policies, agriculture, customs, sports...and on and on...hell, I even learned how to do arithmetic using Mayan number system! 

The best part of all is I've had the opportunity to experience all of this side by side with my brother Chadd. His organization (Teachers to Teachers, International) that he envisioned and built from the ground up is doing amazing work and making a difference. T2T has an awesome team of people both here and back in the US. Their knowledge and passion is epic and a little humbling. Not only are they great people but also are a great example of teamwork and partnership. They are passionate in what they do, their cause, each other, and those they support.

I am so proud of my brother, the team he's built and what they've been able to and will accomplish. I know our Dad is looking down with pride also. I'm thankful for this time we've been able to spend together and for my family being understanding & supporting me on this adventure.

Transcending. That's the word I'll use.


Thursday, January 28, 2016

Adventure 1A, Jury Duty

Yes, the first adventure is Jury Duty.  Hey, I did say that some of the adventures would be small but all will have purpose -- there is definite purpose in jury duty. I may be one of the few people who look forward to this. I was so excited the day I received my notice in the mail, it was like I was being asked to be a presenter at an awards show. Well, the truth is I wasn't excited at first - anytime you get an envelope from the court is kinda scare - I was sweating a little thinking "crap, what did I do?" and replaying the last few years in my mind as I was opening it. Instead it said "Jury Duty Summons"...Yay! 

So I show up and we're all gathered - actually, crammed into this tiny room next to the court room. I think they strive for diversity in juries but there is very little of that in this room. I look around and I can tell most of the people don't want to be here and they're asking questions like "can we leave immediately if we're not picked". Meanwhile, I'm listening intently, wondering how best I can increase my chances of being I smile or look angry? Do I crack a joke?  Yeah, I'm probably definitely going to crack a joke, I'm too excited not to.

It's probably going to be just a guy who wrote some bad checks or was caught selling pot but in my mind this is very likely going to be the crime of century and I'll be at the epicenter of it all.  The news trucks and reporters should be showing up any minute. Is that a police barricade over there? I'm replaying every courtroom drama I've seen and I may be new to this but there's two things I'm sure of:  "I want the truth!!"  and "If the glove don't fit, aquit".  

We're walking into the courtroom now!...glee


Update:  The defendant never showed up and trial's cancelled.   Wow, that was a waste of time. Back to work (sigh)

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Here we go...

I turn 40 this year. To celebrate this major life milestone, I’ll be taking, and documenting, 40 meaningful adventures throughout the year…as adventurous as a full time working married father of 2 can be. Most will be small, a few may be insane, and all will be meaningful and a part of my life story. 

Some of you may be hearing from me soon and everyone is welcome to send ideas my way. I invite you to follow along on here, facebook, and Instagram (orangemcglone).  #40forturning40

Stay tuned, the first adventure is about to begin!  Here’s a clue: